Monday, September 22, 2008
Tiny funny...

The Burch Sports Report…
MiMi…lost on Saturday but scored the teams only goal in a 2-1 loss.
Her goal was off a cross field pass…one touch and shot…and I mean shot. That thing went to the back of the net like a PRO. Everyone “WOE’d” and then cheered when it went in.
We have been working on this for a several weeks now and I think she finally understands the concept. She played hard and good…she is going to be a very skilled player one day.
Tiny…her team one 28-0 and she scored 6 or 7 goals. We actually lost count which is sad. Her coach moved her and another little boy back to defense and told them they could not score anymore.
The funny thing is by putting them on defense they did not score anymore but the opposing team never had a chance to score either.
NealBoy…has started training for the Special Olympics. He will be doing the 100m and Softball throw as well as Swimming. And YES, of course he has a Speedo like Phelps (along with a swimmers cap and goggles)…I had a pic with him in his garb but got a new phone and lost it. I will make sure to get one soon…real soon.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Frontporch view

I believe the Mountain we are located on is called Cap Shaw Mountain...but that is a straight up STEP OUT.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
For My Shan...
Since we have been in Hunstville things have been so up in the air it has been crazy. For the first 2 months we were nomads bouncing from place to place - week to week.
Once we finally decided on the home we are currently in and trying to purchase it made things a little easier...BUT we still had no Frig or Washer/Dryer. We eventually got a dorm size frig from my parents and that helped some but not having a Washer/Dryer with 3 kids in school was hard.
So a few weeks back I decided that my beautiful and loving wife deserved more...and so we went to SEARS and HOOKED her up. She asked how much ($$$) and I told her she did not have a limit. She has been so patient and kind thru all this I thought that was the least I could do for her.
Below is the Frig we had been using and the new one. The new one is a Whirlpool Gold series and has a cool feature...the ice is contained in the door. That way there is more room in the freezer...which is something we both liked.

This is the Washer/Dryer that she got...it will do 18 towels or a King Size comforter. It is a GE and has some really neat features that she has already feel in love with.

I could never express the love I have for her in words but what I can do is make sure all her needs and wants are taken care of...and then some.
Shan...you ROCK more than HS3, The Jonas Brothers, David Cook, Bon Jovi & Chris Daughtry combined. (Yeah, sounds gay but she knows how much that is.)
Labor Day Weekend
My parents came over to visit for the first time since we have moved into the "New" house. You know...the one we live in but have not bought yet...that one.
Had a great time and on Monday went to the Space & Rocket Center for the first time. It was very cool and while we were there we saw "Fly Me to the Moon". The kids really loved it because it was in 3D.
It was nice to have a break and spend some time with my wonderful kids, beautiful wife and amazing parents.
It's great to be blessed by God to have so many EXTRAODINARY people in my/our lives.
Enjoy the pics...