As part of our 4th of July holiday we spent half a day at Monte Sano State Park (http://www.alapark.com/MonteSano/). We arrived around 11:00 and had a picnic lunch that consisted of Checker’s hamburgers and fries (that I LOVE). May not seem like much of a picnic but Shan saved the good stuff for later that night while we watched the fireworks.

SIDE-NOTE: We saw a Skunk at the playground that had gotten its head stuck in a yogurt cup and died…it was kind of funny but a little said too…but more funny. All I could think of was PePe Le’Pew.
After some time playing we all took a potty break…and then decided to go for a Hike on one of the many trails the park had to offer. We opted for the North Plateau Loop…which was 1.2 miles and seemed to be a less strenuous hike than the others.
Now, keep in mind that Shan has never hiked a day in her life and is not much for the outdoors. Not to mention we are attempting this with a 9yr boy (who still has some issues with his feet after his surgery), a 6yr girl (who is a “girly, girl of ALL girls”) and a 4yr girl (who is a walking accident waiting to happen).

Shan took the front with the kids in the middle and me pulling up the rear. Lilli talked the entire time and fell 8 times…I lost count after that.
I explained to the kids what a “Blaze” was on the trees and how it helped us know where the trail was. Shan and I also tried to give them as much safety advice as we could, like…never leave the trail, always stay together, chase snakes because that will make them run away and always throw rocks at bears when you see them because they like to play catch…you get the idea.

We finished up the trail and headed back into Huntsville for the fireworks that night…which is another story.

SIDE-NOTE: I wore a knee brace that day just to try it out for our next HikeFEST…and seem to do well. The only problem was when we got home that night I took it off and found a TICK…up until that point I think Shan had a great time. Honestly…that freaked her out a little but we are talking about my wife which should be no surprise.

nEAL sounds awesome. Sorry to hear you guys are not settled in yet. Adam and I can relate. We are finally living together permanently after a year of shanannagins but all of our stuff is in a 10by15storage building 3 hours away...I hope things settle down for you and the family.
Thinking of you,
We miss y'all so much!! It is hard driving by your house. Did it sell? I noticed the sign wasn't in the yard today, but we have been at the beach and there have been some terrible storms here so it could have been blown down. I'm so glad you are updating the blog now...Tell Shannon to email me and tell me how it's goin'. ahilyer13@charter.net. :-)
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